Begins 9th August 2021!

Enrolment for this round is now CLOSED.

Hey Soul Sister!

I'm Chels!

If you're here, I'm gonna take a guess that;

  • Something’s been feeling a little off kilter lately ? Like somewhere inside of you is a bit out of balance?

  • It's been too long since you were part of a supportive and empowering community, or perhaps, you’ve never actually experienced what that’s like before.

  • What you do know, is that you’re craving something different, you want to feel good, happy and like YOU again, more confident in yourself… you want a sense of connection, but you want it to be simple, fun and not require a ton effort!

Simplicity Sounds Good...

Life’s kinda hectic at the moment, with so much happening and so much uncertainty in the world, that it’s no wonder simplicity actually feels really frickin’ good and very frickin’ welcome right now.

You haven’t got the time nor the energy for something super-deep, complex, time consuming or pricey… But something light & punchy, that you can weave into your daily life rather than add to it, that can reconnect you to yourself and a supportive soul squad right at your fingertips whenever you need them and doesn’t cost the earth… now that sounds like a bit of you!

Then let me introduce you to...

You Got SOUL

21 Day Soul Activation!

The truth is, you’re not alone in the way you’re feeling…

So many others are feeling it too (including me!).

I know you're totally down for the deep stuff, the healing, the shadow work and everything else in between, but this season of life is just asking for a little bit... less, a bit of a breather from it all and actually, something that brings you back to basics, back to your centre and that also feels like fun in the process...

Well that's certainly sounding like something you could get on board with...

Activate Your Soul

This 21-day Soul Activation is just that… a self-recalibration that’s simple, takes you back to basics and moves WITH your daily life with eaaasse…. mmm sweet ease…

Don’t get me wrong, being a part of this 21-day experience will require some level of devotion from you, but mainly, devotion to yourself (and we could certainly all use more of that!).

The devotion I’m asking from you is around 15-20 mins each day (and some days, not even that!).

Being part of this Soul family means you’ll receive daily soul devotions (tasks) to bring you back to yourself and to connect you back in with your heart, soul and true essence. There will also be a Soul-fam support group where you can connect and check-in daily with how you’ve handled your daily task and how your soul is really feeling - #comeasyouare

You Got SOUL infuses mindfulness techniques, meditation and visualisation with ritual, energy cleansing, soul support/empowerment and FUN!

What's Included?

  • Daily Soul Devotions (tasks) sent via email and loaded into your personal online teachable platform (these will be delivered via a mixture of video/audio & written prompts and some of these will include integration days to reflect & let your soul speak). These are designed to move WITH your day, not add to it.

  •  (Optional) Soul Family connection calls/circles (3 group calls in total, held at varying times to accommodate for different time zones with recordings provided afterwards).

  • Soul Support Group – Private Facebook Group to connect, share, ask for support and celebrate!

  • A CHANCE TO WIN! – Everyone who completes ALL Soul tasks will go in the running to win a FREE 6-week 1:1 coaching series with me which includes 4 x 60-min 1:1 coaching sessions at the end of the 21-days (valued at over £750 - further details to be shared on this in the group).

How You Might Feel During & After...

  • More confident & content
  • Deeper connection to self
  • Supported & part of a soulful community #soulfam
  • Empowered & proud
  • Calm, centred, grounded & connected
  • Inner peace & happiness
  • Like you had FUN!
  • Really frickin’ good about yourself

Right now, is an opportunity to check-in with your heart and soul and ask; even if you only walked away from this experience feeling ONE of those things, would it still be worth it?

Daily Soul tasks are compatible with all time zones – group calls will be held at varying times to accommodate most time zones.

We begin 9th August 2021!

This course is closed for enrollment.